2024 Thematic Bible Conference, Labour Day Long Weekend


We are proceeding with the conference, TBC 2024, over Labour Day weekend. The 2024 Thematic Bible Conference continues a four-year (2021–24) study of the Acts of the Apostles:
2021: 1.1–6.7 (Jews in Jerusalem);
2022: 6.8–9.31 (Hellenists & Samaritans), 9.32–12.24 (Gentiles & Antioch);
2023: 12.25–16.5 (Asia Minor), 16.6–19.20 (Europe);
2024: 19.21–28.31 (Journey to Rome).
Lectures will feature N. T. Wright, Craig Keener, and Stephen Lee (李思敬).
Participation is available at our California sites in Los Altos and La Palma, England site in Oxford, or else through our Discord server.
If you attended the WCCCC Winter Conference last December, you can attend TBC 2024 at the student discount rate.
If you are committed to join the WCCCC Winter Conference in December this year, you can attend TBC 2024 free of charge.

Please see details on our conference page.

Update: Post-conference reading: https://zondervanacademic.com/the-challenge-of-acts-free-chapter

2023 Thematic Bible Conference, Labour Day Long Weekend


We are proceeding with the conference, TBC 2023, over Labour Day weekend.
If you attended the WCCCC Winter Conference last December, you can attend TBC 2023 at the student discount rate.
If you are committed to join the WCCCC Winter Conference in December this year, you can attend TBC 2023 free of charge.
Please see details on our conference page.

Reunions at the Winter Conference


WCCCC alumni have a lot of memories to share as we work together for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Pressing forward by the might of Jesus Christ our Lord, we are destined for the glory of his kingdom.

For this winter, we want to specially invite WCCCC alumni to meet with old friends at the newly renamed Kingdom Leadership Conference, scheduled for 31 December 2022 to 2 January 2023. The theme this year is To Bear My Name Before the Gentiles and Kings. Alumni can ponder this current theme while also revisiting old themes such as Let the Church Declare His Glory (1981) and Be Ye Ready for the Returning King (1982).

To fellowship groups reuniting at the conference, W4CAA is making a special offer: for no additional fee, you will be able to arrive one day early and have lodging on 30 December, and we can lodge you closer to the rest of your group to make it easier to do things together. So bring along your friends from the college fellowship you went to, whether it was in the 1980s or in the 2010s! Just let us know on the registration form by making note of what group you want to get together with.

The Lord bless you, and we hope to see you in December.