W4CAA offers two series of weekly online Bible study programs. We use GoToMeeting as the online platform for presentation and communication. Cantonese is our main language, and occasionally supplemented with English or Mandarin for these two Bible study series.
Sign up for one of our programs, described below, on this Google form. For more information, write to Erik Lui.
Series 1: Foundation of Christian Belief and the Scripture
This series focuses on building and developing a Christian life that is authentically rooted in God’s word. We explore some major themes of the Four Gospels and the Pentateuch (the Five Books of Moses). We also introduce small-group inductive Bible study at the end.
We encourage young and new believers to join us.
Series 2: Hebraic Bible Study
This series explores the background of the ‘Jewish mindset’, education around 1st-century Palestine, and major ancient Jewish feasts and practices, aiming to learn and understand the Scriptures from their Hebraic roots. We will examine words and phrases in their fuller Hebraic contexts and meanings through studies on selected passages in Scripture. We may also invite speakers to discuss how to study Jesus’s parables and interpret the Scriptures from a Hebraic perspective. At the end, we will encourage participants to learn how to lead small-group inductive Bible study.
We would encourage all believers to join us every second and fourth Tuesday evening, 10:00–11:30 p.m., Eastern Time (7:00–8:30 p.m., Pacific Time).