2016 Bible Study Leader Certification Program

A certificate and a scholarship of $100 will be awarded to those who join the Bible Study Leader Certification (BSLC) program and serve as small-group Bible study leaders at the West Coast Chinese Christian Conference (WCCCC, or W4C). See details below and RSVP with this form.

For additional program details, contact Tony Chan. Continue reading “2016 Bible Study Leader Certification Program”

2013 Thematic Bible Conference Videos

End Times Study: The Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24–25.

If you missed our 2013 Thematic Bible Conference, you can now watch the videos online:

  1. Introduction to Olivet Discourse and Apocalyptic Writings (English, 粵語, 華語);
  2. Evaluating Different Views of End Times (English);
  3. How to Study Jesus’ Parables (English);
  4. Implications of Christ’s Second Coming (English).